Sunday, April 19, 2009

Install-Time-Update (ITU) and Driver Binding in Solaris

If you ever wonder how to create install time driver updates for Solaris 10 and Nevada, then you may want to read this blog entry as it involves few tricks here and there. There are two ways to make your device work with Solaris. The install-time-update (aka ITU DU or ITU diskette) is only required for the case where the disk drive will become the Solaris boot drive. For all other case, you should be able to generate a package and run pkgadd(1m) command to install the driver package on running Solaris.

ITU Method

In order to install Solaris onto a bootable drive supported by your driver, you can use an Install Time Update (ITU). The ITU must have your driver (both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries) and PCI-IDs of the device your driver supports.

How to construct an ITU

  • Make sure you have Solaris 10 and Nevada binaries of yours driver for both the 32-bit and 64-bit Operating System and the your_driver.conf (driver configuration) file. You should get the pkg_drv(1m) command by installing the SUNWpkgd package from this link

    In order to create an ITU for Solaris 10 and Nevada, you would want to create two directories and run pkg_drv(1m) there.

For Solaris 10

# mkdir -p /var/tmp/your_driver.5.10
# cd /var/tmp/your_driver.5.10

Copy your driver and your_driver.conf file in the current directory.

# mkdir -p kernel/drv/amd64
# cp <32-bit> .
# cp <32-bit> kernel/drv/your_driver
# cp <64-bit> kernel/drv/amd64
# cp your_driver.conf .
# pkg_drv -i '"pciVVVV,DDDD.SSSS.ssss"' -o `pwd`/PKG -c scsi -r 5.10 your_driver

VVVV = Vendor-id
DDDD = Device-id
SSSSS = Subsystem-vendor-id
ssss = Subsystem-device-id
PKG = your_driver.
'-c scsi' is for device class and in this example we have been discussing about disk drive.

The output of the pkg_drv(1m) will resemble the output below :-

input file: drv=your_driver
input file: conf=your_driver.conf
WARNING: pkg_drv: pkg/driver name exists in /etc/driver_aliases
Suggested Package Naming Conventions: 8 characters, with the first capitalized characters uniquely specifying the company (e.g. stock market ticker). The remaining characters specify the driver (e.g. SUNWcadd for a CAD driver from Sun Microsystems). The driver name must be unique across all Solaris platforms and releases.

## Building pkgmap from package prototype file.
## Processing pkginfo file.
## Attempting to volumize 8 entries in pkgmap.
part 1 -- 276 blocks, 29 entries
## Packaging one part.
## Validating control scripts.
## Packaging complete.
output pkg: See package directory PKG in /tmp/12546
pkg_drv: 2 warnings 0 errors

bash-3.2# find /tmp/12546

Copy the following files from '/tmp/12546' as follows :-

# cd /var/tmp/your_driver.5.10
# cp /tmp/12546/PKG/pkgmap .
# cp /tmp/12546/PKG/install/postinstall .
# cp /tmp/12546/PKG/install/postremove .
# cp /tmp/12546/PKG/install/copyright .

You can run 'pkgproto' command or make a prototype file manually :

bash-3.2# cat > prototype
i copyright
i postremove
i postinstall
i pkginfo
d none kernel 0755 root sys
d none kernel/drv 0755 root sys
d none kernel/drv/amd64 0755 root sys
f none kernel/drv/amd64/your_driver 0644 root sys
f none kernel/drv/your_driver 0644 root sys
f none kernel/drv/your_driver.conf 0644 root sys

Make sure you include both the 32-bit and 64-bit binaries of your driver. Once this is completed, we will construct the package again to include 64-bit binary of the driver.

# cd /var/tmp/your_driver.5.10
# pkgmk -r . -d /tmp

This will create '/tmp/PKG' directory under /tmp and that's where the package is. For example :-

bash-3.2# pkgmk -r . -d /tmp
## Building pkgmap from package prototype file.
## Processing pkginfo file.
## Attempting to volumize 6 entries in pkgmap.
part 1 -- 444 blocks, 23 entries
## Packaging one part.
## Validating control scripts.
## Packaging complete.

Do following things to repack package in DU (Diskette) :-

# cd /tmp
# find PKG -print | cpio -o > /tmp/pkg_of_your_driver
# compress /tmp/pkg_of_your_driver
# cd /var/tmp/your_driver.5.10/PKG
# cp /tmp/pkg_of_your_driver.Z PKG/DU/sol_210/i86pc/Product/your_driver.Z

For Solaris Neavda

Repeat the same steps as we did for Solaris 10 except for following things :-

  • Create a new directory '/var/tmp/your_driver.5.11' since you are working on Solaris Nevada. Make sure pkg_drv(1m) command run with '-r 5.11'.

  • When copying your_driver.Z copy to DU, make sure you change the path to 'sol_211' in ' PKG/DU/sol_210/i86pc/Product/your_driver.Z'.

Once you have created ITU for Solaris 10 and Nevada, we will bundle them in one DVD/CD (or ISO file). In the directories '/var/tmp/your_driver.5.11' and '/var/tmp/your_driver.5.10', you will find a directory called 'PKG'. You must copy the files under 'PKG' to one directory in order to bundle them together.

# mkdir -p /var/tmp/YOUR_DRIVER-DU
# cd /var/tmp/YOUR_DRIVER-DU
# cp -rf /var/tmp/your_driver.5.11/PKG/* .
# cp -rf /var/tmp/your_driver.5.10/PKG/* .

Please run the following command to make an ISO file from the directory /var/tmp/YOUR_DRIVER-DU :

# mkisofs -o your_driver.iso -r /var/tmp/YOUR_DRIVER-DU

This will create an ISO file 'your_driver.iso' and a DVD/CD can be burned by running the following command line at the prompt :-

# cdrw -i /var/tmp/YOUR_DRIVER-DU/your_driver.iso

In order to install Solaris on boot drives, you use Solaris Installer DVD and choose option '5' (Apply Driver Updates)'. Kindly follow the instructions when prompted.

The other way is to bundle the device driver in Solaris bootable media itself or for network installation. Kindly follow the instructions described at this link.At the above link, it describes how to pack/unpack Solaris miniroot in order to make changes to Solaris bootable media.

Driver Binding in Solaris

Driver binding in Solaris is not so easy to understand. The way Solaris binds a driver is based on the precedence. This precedence list is maintained in the 'compatible' property of the device driver. The two functions which are responsible for creating 'compatible' property and finding the correct binding for the driver are - add_compatible() and ddi_compatible_driver_major() respectively.

The responsibility of add_compatible() function is to create 'compatible property' for driver binding in the order described below. For PCI Card, the precedence is created as follows :-

* pciVVVV,DDDD.SSSS.ssss.RR (0)
* pciVVVV,DDDD.SSSS.ssss (1)
* pciSSSS,ssss (2)
* pciVVVV,DDDD.RR (3)
* pciVVVV,DDDD (4)
* pciclass,CCSSPP (5)
* pciclass,CCSS (6)

For PCI Express card, the precedence will look like this :

* pciexVVVV,DDDD.SSSS.ssss.RR (0)
* pciexVVVV,DDDD.SSSS.ssss (1)
* pciexVVVV,DDDD.RR (2)
* pciexVVVV,DDDD (3)
* pciexclass,CCSSPP (4)
* pciexclass,CCSS (5)
* pciVVVV,DDDD.SSSS.ssss.RR (6)
* pciVVVV,DDDD.SSSS.ssss (7)
* pciSSSS,ssss (8)
* pciVVVV,DDDD.RR (9)
* pciVVVV,DDDD (10)
* pciclass,CCSSPP (11)
* pciclass,CCSS (12)

RR = Revision number
CC = Class code
(0) = being the highest precedence
(12) = being the least precedence.

You can get the 'compatible' property by running 'prtconf -vp' command. If the Solaris fails to find a binding using 'compatible' property, then it tries by 'nodename' and the 'nodename' is constructed from Subsystem-vendor-id (SSSS) and Subsystem-device-id (ssss) of the device. The PCI-ID which we have been seeing here is embedded in the PCI Config space of the device.

Device Drivers and device firmware must make sure that the proper PCI-IDs are chosen to avoid conflict with existing PCI-IDs. If your device is PCI-Express based card, then you must add 'pciexVVVV,DDDD.SSSS' like PCI-IDs in /etc/driver_aliases or via add_drv(1m) or pkg_drv(1m) command.

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