Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Dtrace : calculating time spent in functions

The other day (10th Feb 2005), I was giving a demo of Dtrace to BEA India folks in ITPL Bangalore and thought that having a Dtrace script which could demonstrate following things would be nice :-

(a) time spent in functions called
(b) shows both user and kernel level tracing capabilities in the same function call context.
(c) uses $target and -c to demonstrate tracing when a process is launched.

I hope people would find it interesting. Here is the output from script. Please note that the time spent is expressed in nanoseconds.

# which w
# dtrace -c w -Fs ./ main
5 -> malloc 0
5 -> assert_no_libc_locks_held 0
5 <- assert_no_libc_locks_held 6880
5 -> lmutex_lock 0
5 <- lmutex_lock 7840
5 -> _malloc_unlocked 0
5 -> cleanfree 0
5 <- cleanfree 7600
5 -> realfree 0
5 <- realfree 8000
5 <- _malloc_unlocked 35360
5 -> lmutex_unlock 0
5 <- lmutex_unlock 8240
5 <- malloc 89200
5 -> sysinfo 0 <-------- getting into kernel
5 -> pre_syscall 0
5 -> syscall_mstate 0
5 <- syscall_mstate 4560
5 <- pre_syscall 13120
5 -> systeminfo 0
5 <- systeminfo 5760
5 -> post_syscall 0
5 -> clear_stale_fd 0
5 <- clear_stale_fd 5200
5 -> syscall_mstate 0
5 <- syscall_mstate 4000
5 <- post_syscall 21680

5 <- sysinfo 60720

# cat
* This script calculates time spent in all the functions (userland & kernel)
* called once a particular function is traced.
* Please see /usr/demo/dtrace/userfunc.d also.
* Usage:
* # dtrace -c -Fs ./

self->depth = 0;

self->trace = 1;
self->depth = 0;
self->timestamp[self->depth++] = timestamp;

self->trace = 0;
trace(timestamp - self->timestamp[0]);

/self->trace && self->timestamp[self->depth - 1]/
self->timestamp[self->depth++] = timestamp;

/self->trace && self->timestamp[self->depth - 1]/
trace(timestamp - self->timestamp[self->depth]);
self->timestamp[self->depth] = 0;

1 comment:

Unknown said...

how to do this in a kernel module. Say i have a function foo(), i want to know how much time it took to execute.